President, Jeff Hassett and Service Above Self Award Chair, Joan DiMartino presented seven local students with "Service Above Self" awards. This award exemplifies student volunteer efforts and their selfless contributions to the service of others. The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise which we both encourage and foster.
Joan DiMartino and Committee member, Rob Proskin, had the privilege of reviewing a number of outstanding nominations for students this year and selected the seven awardees for their service above and beyond in their community. Ms. DiMartino noted, “It certainly was not an easy task but it was truly heartwarming to see that more of our students are out in our community volunteering both their time and talents.”
Representatives from Pittsfield High School and Taconic High School presented each of the awardees to the Club at a luncheon, held on November 16, 2017 at the Crowne Plaza in Pittsfield. Also in attendance to recognize the student achievements were Roberta McCulloch-Dews, Director of Administrative Services, Office of the Mayor City of Pittsfield, Mr. John Vosburgh, Principal of Taconic High School, Susan Pivero and Sarah Maddelena from Taconic High School Guidance, along with Susan Haughey, Health Tech Teacher. Pittsfield High School was represented by Amy Higgins and Janice Barry, from the Guidance Department, along with Todd Eddy, Culinary Teacher. Again this year Rotary made a $100 donation in the award winners name to a charity of their choice.
This year’s awardees who are all Seniors at their respective schools are Anthony Arace, Cooper Baity, Keiahna Cargill and Daniel Zielinski from Taconic High School, along with Gabrielle DiMassimo, Danielle LeBlanc, and Marilyn Maison, from Pittsfield High School.
The presentation ended with Ms. DiMartino congratulating the award winners and thanking their parents for their involvement in supporting their students volunteerism. She added that our wish is that these students will continue down the path of service to others as they prepare for graduation and the many challenges and successes ahead!