President Jeff Hassett honored John Perreault with this year's Butler Award last week. Jeff Whitehouse started the presentation with remembrances of his uncle and by reading a moving letter from Fred P. Toot, Past President and first recipient of the award in 1986. Jeff and Mr. Toot reminded us that this award is presented as a memorial to Don Butler who was " A man of distinction in our community. His actions to love, assist, care and fulfill the needs of many in the Pittsfield community set examples for us to follow"
President Jeff reviewed John Perreault's many contributions to our community and club. He used a quote by Dean Smith, a well know basketball coach, to describe his thoughts on the award and recipient:
"You should never be proud of doing the right thing. You should just do it"
Congratulations John!

Jean Butler Boino, John Perreault and Doreen Butler